How rent to buy works
Applicant Requirements:
- Client must be South African citizen.
- Must have a valid drivers licence.
- Earn a salary with payslip and bank statements to prove positive figure for at least last three months.
- Have a FICA approved proof of address
- Minimum net income of R20000
- Minimum deposit required: T & C’s apply
- We reserve the right to decline rent to buy if all terms and conditions are not met .
Select a vehicle:
The client can choose any roadworthy vehicle from the dealer stock ( according to budget allowance given after application. More expensive vehicles can be considered if the customer pays a large non-refundable deposit.
Each vehicle will have a tracker device, comprehensive insurance, warranty policy for 1 year(motor gold warranty through Warranty solutions) included in the monthly payment.
The client will sign a rental agreement and on option-to-buy agreement.
Flexible Terms:
The Client can choose to buy out the vehicle at any time for the outstanding vehicle value or after 60 months for R5000.
It is also possible to cancel the contract at any time, subject to the payment of the cancellation fee which is equivalent to 6-9 months’ rental payment.
Debit Order:
The Client will authorize a 60-month authenticated early debit order (AEDO)
with a POS device.
Maintenance & Damages:
Any damages to the vehicle not covered by insurance or warranty are on the clients’ account.